Colgate Professional CE Support

Requests for support from Colgate will be considered from organizations who are providing continuing education events for Dental Professionals. There are two support options available.

  • A CE Sponsorship which can be used to help defray the costs of putting on a continuing education event
  • A Colgate Professional Education Manager to present a scientific program (subject to availability, Organization to provide CE credit(s)). To learn more about the scientific programs available please click here.
Submission of a request does not guarantee that a sponsorship will be awarded or that a Professional Education Manager will be available. Our goal is to support as many Dental Professionals as possible across the United States and Canada.

Priority will be given to events that meet the following guidelines:
  • Provide an exhibit table
  • A Colgate Territory Manager is available to attend
  • Minimum expected attendance of 50 practicing Dental Professionals
Please complete the application form below and allow 4-6 weeks for a response.

Type of Support Request
Please select one:
Organizer Information
Event Information
If you're hosting a virtual event, please enter the complete address where you're hosting the virtual event so the request is routed to the correct Colgate Professional Education Manager for approval.
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